Dr. Emile van Corven
Chief Development Officer at Bioceros
Dr. Emile van Corven is Chief Development Officer at Bioceros. He has a track record of more than 27 years in the biopharmaceutical industry: global head of process development and pilot plant GMP manufacturing of MAbs and vaccines (Crucell/J&J), and the development or recombinant proteins (Pharming). He was also head of the regulatory authority control lab for the release of blood products/vaccines, and head of the regulatory group for review of biotech CMC dossiers. He was a post-doc at The Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, and got his PhD in 1987 at Nijmegen University. He published over 30 peer-reviewed scientific articles, chapters in textbooks, and various patents. From 2012 till date he is member of the editorial board of “Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing”.

Title: Solve the technical challenges in developing biosimilar antibodies
- High titer processes
- Modulation of quality attributes
- Decrease in COGs
- High throughput analytical methods